Monday, April 26, 2010

The Google World!

I think Google is a very successful product. There seems to always be something new that Google can do - in our "quick and dirty" world it is a great fit. Calculator, postal code locator, conversions, spelling, in addition to narrowing down a good search through Scholar - it is working on becoming indispensable! I have a gmail account (the one that I use for the suspect sites and potential spam sources) and I use Google Maps, and Google Earth especially to check out places for holidays. We found we could see the hotel we were planning on staying at in Paris a few years ago. The street view feature is interesting for finding a potential address as well.

I like Google because it is a fast, easy way to navigate in this very big internet world. I recommend it to people for this exact reason. It is also a way to access all the products Google offers (kind of like a virtual big box store).

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